Friday, June 15, 2012


i have been so excited about this DIY for a while now, since my husband bought this amazing vintage huffy bicycle for me!!! it is already in great condition and works just fine but the color just wasn't me. i've been swooning over the mint and light baby blue bikes i've been seeing lately so i chose sea breeze blue for my bike. i've spray painted bikes i've had in the past but for this one i didn't want to make my husband take it all apart just to paint it so i just taped off the important parts that can't get painted like the gears, chain, brakes and swivel movement of the handle bars. first i cleaned it with an all purpose degreaser and cleaner, waited for it to dry, then i just painted away!!! it's going to take two coats so when its all done i will post the finished pictures. i just couldn't wait and had to share this with you ASAP! this is a perfect summer DIY and i can't wait to go on a family bike ride!!! happy friday ya'll!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOAHH!!! I cant believe you did this !! I always want to do DIY but never find the time !!! It looks soo good ! I love thee colour !


